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Support for COVID-19 Restrictions in Mansfield

By August 20, 2021No Comments

Mansfield Shire businesses and our people continue to meet the challenging restrictions imposed from COVID-19. Restrictions significantly reduce traffic and trade with our tourism sector being particularly effected. These restrictions having now impacted 200 trading days since the beginning of March 2020, accommodation, hospitality and activity-based businesses critically suffer from ongoing closures and the inability of Melbourne residents to travel to the region.

With the current levels of vaccination in Victoria, it is likely that lockdown restrictions will continue in some form or another for some time. Recently the Shepparton area has recorded 3 positive waste-water samples unfortunately increasing the likelihood of further restrictions. Now is the time for businesses to review their COVID-19 plans and strategies to mitigate potential risks.

The MDBA have developed a fact sheet and additional resources aimed at assisting our members to meet the challenges brought about by COVID-19 restrictions. These tools are available on our MDBA website via the resource page and include an action plan that workplaces can implement if they have a member of staff contact COVID-19 and government COVID-19 compliance resources.

To be attributed to MDBA Executive Officer Wes Mudge:

“Our aim is to support and assist businesses during these demanding times and hopefully with
quick and easy access to tools and resources like these, we can make the demands a little
more manageable. We continue to advocate with State and Federal members on behalf of
businesses and people for greater government assistance for those adversely affected by the
devastating lockdowns and impacts following the virus repeated escapes and spreading
events. We urge community members who can, to play their role and get vaccinated, assisting
with reaching the 80% community vaccination target.”