Major new Victorian Government legislation(External link) will soon change recycling and waste services in Mansfield Shire.
Currently Mansfield Shire has a two-bin system. A mixed recycling bin with a yellow lid that is picked up fortnightly and a residual waste bin with a red lid that is picked up weekly. Residual waste is also known as general waste and goes to landfill while mixed recycling is sorted into five different types of recyclables. The two major changes in the new legislation are that all Victorian councils are required to separate glass from recycling by 2027 and separate garden and food organic waste from residual waste by 2030. This will create four categories or streams of recycling and waste that will each have their own colour: glass (purple), other mixed recycling (yellow), garden and food organics (green) and residual waste (red). The good news is that community members will help decide how these four recycling and waste streams will be delivered. This could be by kerbside pickup like what is currently done, drop off at a central community location or by a combination of these. Community members will also help decide if kerbside pickups happen weekly, fortnightly, or monthly and when they start. Each of these options will benefit different community members in different ways. So to find the service solutions that best fit our community we need to hear from you. The other consideration is that our Shire’s recycling and waste contract expires on 1 July 2024 but, because of the long times for rubbish trucks, recycling facilities and landfill sites, a new contract needs to be signed by December this year. To do this:
As the first step to finding these solutions, this page has information on the current recycling & waste services and their performance, the important parts of Victorian Government legislation(External link), and environmental & operational considerations for these new services. This page then gives you the opportunity to ask questions, complete a survey, share your ideas, stay up to date with the project, and to nominate to be part of a deliberative panel(External link) that will help design future recycling and waste services in Mansfield Shire. We look forward to hearing from you! |